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Coronary artery calcification (CAC) is commonly encountered by interventional cardiologists. Severe CAC may impair stent delivery or result in stent underexpansion, stent thrombosis and/orin-stent restenosis (ISR).Adequate preparation of heavily calcified coronary lesions (e.g. using non-compliant balloons, cutting/scoring balloons, rotational/orbital atherecto my or intravascular lithotripsy) prior to stent implantation is essential in preventing stent underexpansion.However, in cer tain cases the deployed stent may remain underexpanded despite extensive lesion preparation.Recent reports have suggest ed that IVL could be used with success in patients with acute stent failure.We present a case of Acute IWMI with stent un Keywords: CAC(Coronary artery calcium),PCI(Percutaneous coronary intervention),IWMI(Inferior wall MI),IVL(Intravs cular lithotripsy),RA(rotational atherectomy),NCB(non compliant balloon) derexpansion during primary PCI due to focal dense calcification managed with IVL with good final result. Shockwave In travascular Lithotripsy (IVL) is the only technology that cracks both medial and intimal calcium while minimizing trauma to the vessel wall.In the recent past it has been indicated for denovo calcified coronary lesions and calcified Instent resteno sis.For IVL use in acute stent failure it is a off label indication.
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (ML) are increasingly being used in the Neurocritical Care and healthcare in general. The ML model algorithms have many existing and potential uses in triage, diagnosis, clinical decision support, mon itoring, and prevention of clinical syndromes. Combining and appropriately analyzing the vast number of neurocritical care data parameters, ranging from clinical (including electronic medical record), laboratory, imaging, multimodal monitoring, and many others is beyond human capability. ML algorithms can help the providers and patients in analyzing these data pa rameters to address certain defined problems. Machine learning does have limitations in several aspects (technical, medi co-legal, financial, clinical, ethical, social, etc.), which can prevent realization of its full potential. Addressing these pitfalls with appropriate solutions in a timely manner is important to get the maximum benefit out of this valuable technological ad vancement
Objective: This study was explored the impact of Nihavent theme on decreasing of adaptation difficulty in patients with Alzheimer’s disease. Materials and methods: The study was conducted with a total of 30 patients, 15 patients in the intervention group and 15 patients in the control group. Before the application, The Descriptive Characteristics Data Form and Assessment Scale of Adaptation Difficulty for the Elderly were administered to both groups. The patients in intervention group had music ses sions for 12 weeks. Patients in the control group received standard care but did not participate in the specific intervention. One week after the music session completed, the Assessment Scale of Adaptation Difficulty for the Elderly was re-adminis tered to both groups.
This study examined the effectiveness of Solution-Focused Therapy (SFT) in reducing tobacco smoking dependency be haviour among incarcerated individuals within correctional settings in Oyo State. Anchored on social cognitive theory, which highlights the role of self-efficacy in behaviour change, the research was designed to address the pressing public health concern of tobacco smoking among the inmates.

Empowering Incarcerated Individuals: Solution-Focused Therapy for Reducing Tobacco Smoking Dependency Behaviour among Correctional Inmates in Oyo State, Nigeria

Coronary artery calcification (CAC) is commonly encountered by interventional cardiologists. Severe CAC may impair stent delivery or result in stent underexpansion, stent thrombosis and/orin-stent restenosis (ISR).Adequate preparation of heavily calcified coronary lesions (e.g. using non-compliant balloons, cutting/scoring balloons, rotational/orbital atherecto my or intravascular lithotripsy) prior to stent implantation is essential in preventing stent underexpansion.However, in cer tain cases the deployed stent may remain underexpanded despite extensive lesion preparation.Recent reports have suggest ed that IVL could be used with success in patients with acute stent failure.We present a case of Acute IWMI with stent un Keywords: CAC(Coronary artery calcium),PCI(Percutaneous coronary intervention),IWMI(Inferior wall MI),IVL(Intravs cular lithotripsy),RA(rotational atherectomy),NCB(non compliant balloon) derexpansion during primary PCI due to focal dense calcification managed with IVL with good final result. Shockwave In travascular Lithotripsy (IVL) is the only technology that cracks both medial and intimal calcium while minimizing trauma to the vessel wall.In the recent past it has been indicated for denovo calcified coronary lesions and calcified Instent resteno sis.For IVL use in acute stent failure it is a off label indication.

Empowering Incarcerated Individuals: Solution-Focused Therapy for Reducing Tobacco Smoking Dependency Behaviour among Correctional Inmates in Oyo State, Nigeria

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (ML) are increasingly being used in the Neurocritical Care and healthcare in general. The ML model algorithms have many existing and potential uses in triage, diagnosis, clinical decision support, mon itoring, and prevention of clinical syndromes. Combining and appropriately analyzing the vast number of neurocritical care data parameters, ranging from clinical (including electronic medical record), laboratory, imaging, multimodal monitoring, and many others is beyond human capability. ML algorithms can help the providers and patients in analyzing these data pa rameters to address certain defined problems. Machine learning does have limitations in several aspects (technical, medi co-legal, financial, clinical, ethical, social, etc.), which can prevent realization of its full potential. Addressing these pitfalls with appropriate solutions in a timely manner is important to get the maximum benefit out of this valuable technological ad vancement

Empowering Incarcerated Individuals: Solution-Focused Therapy for Reducing Tobacco Smoking Dependency Behaviour among Correctional Inmates in Oyo State, Nigeria

Objective: This study was explored the impact of Nihavent theme on decreasing of adaptation difficulty in patients with Alzheimer’s disease. Materials and methods: The study was conducted with a total of 30 patients, 15 patients in the intervention group and 15 patients in the control group. Before the application, The Descriptive Characteristics Data Form and Assessment Scale of Adaptation Difficulty for the Elderly were administered to both groups. The patients in intervention group had music ses sions for 12 weeks. Patients in the control group received standard care but did not participate in the specific intervention. One week after the music session completed, the Assessment Scale of Adaptation Difficulty for the Elderly was re-adminis tered to both groups.

Empowering Incarcerated Individuals: Solution-Focused Therapy for Reducing Tobacco Smoking Dependency Behaviour among Correctional Inmates in Oyo State, Nigeria

This study examined the effectiveness of Solution-Focused Therapy (SFT) in reducing tobacco smoking dependency be haviour among incarcerated individuals within correctional settings in Oyo State. Anchored on social cognitive theory, which highlights the role of self-efficacy in behaviour change, the research was designed to address the pressing public health concern of tobacco smoking among the inmates.