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Spatial analysis is an essential component of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and is widely used for various purposes. One of its primary applications is to assess the suitability of a location for specific systems or to make accurate weather predictions for a particular geographic area. By utilizing spatial analysis, users can effectively model problems and find comprehensive solutions that incorporate geographical attributes
Background: Due to recent advancements in technology, workplace settings are becoming more inhabitant leading to a growing rate of sedentary behaviour during occupational duties. Sedentary behaviour is associated with increased cardiometabolic risks and poor health outcomes
Flood vulnerability modeling has become essential due to the impact of climate change on the environment. The Ogbese area of Nigeria frequently experiences significant flooding, primarily caused by torrential rainfall that leads to the overflow of local rivers. This study aims to model and map flood vulnerability in the Ogbese Catchment area in Ayede-Ogbese. Advanced analytical techniques, including Remote Sensing (RS), Hydraulic Engineering Center-River Analysis Software (HEC-RAS), and Geographical Information System (GIS) software (ArcGIS 10.7), were utilized for flood modeling and mapping in the study area. The data used in this research includes a topographic map of Ondo State for delineating the study area, Operational Landsat Imageries (OLI) for extracting land use and land cover (LULC), hydrological data (river discharge) for flood frequency analysis, and Advanced Land Observing Satellite (ALOS) Digital Elevation Map (DEM) for geometric data extraction and generating a Triangulated Irregular Network (TIN) dataset
Sympathy- seeking behavior or “sadfishing”, the act of exaggerating emotional distress on social media to gain “attention, satisfaction and support system. In recent years, this kind of act have rise of social media platform. This has become online interactions and potential psychology and social effects of behavior have become topics of interest. This study was prevalence and implication was done among the individuals through Questionnaire. Which was surveyed among college student. The Questionnaire covered key aspects of the participants in three dimension like attention, satisfaction and support system. The study provides valuable insights into the emerging phenomenon of sadfishing, though it also presented limitations such as potential self-report biases and lack of contextual depth. Future research could benefit from integrating observational methods and experimental designs to build a more nuanced understanding of sadfishing and its implications in the digital age

Exploring the Phenomenon of Sadfishing among College Students

Spatial analysis is an essential component of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and is widely used for various purposes. One of its primary applications is to assess the suitability of a location for specific systems or to make accurate weather predictions for a particular geographic area. By utilizing spatial analysis, users can effectively model problems and find comprehensive solutions that incorporate geographical attributes

Exploring the Phenomenon of Sadfishing among College Students

Flood vulnerability modeling has become essential due to the impact of climate change on the environment. The Ogbese area of Nigeria frequently experiences significant flooding, primarily caused by torrential rainfall that leads to the overflow of local rivers. This study aims to model and map flood vulnerability in the Ogbese Catchment area in Ayede-Ogbese. Advanced analytical techniques, including Remote Sensing (RS), Hydraulic Engineering Center-River Analysis Software (HEC-RAS), and Geographical Information System (GIS) software (ArcGIS 10.7), were utilized for flood modeling and mapping in the study area. The data used in this research includes a topographic map of Ondo State for delineating the study area, Operational Landsat Imageries (OLI) for extracting land use and land cover (LULC), hydrological data (river discharge) for flood frequency analysis, and Advanced Land Observing Satellite (ALOS) Digital Elevation Map (DEM) for geometric data extraction and generating a Triangulated Irregular Network (TIN) dataset

Exploring the Phenomenon of Sadfishing among College Students

Sympathy- seeking behavior or “sadfishing”, the act of exaggerating emotional distress on social media to gain “attention, satisfaction and support system. In recent years, this kind of act have rise of social media platform. This has become online interactions and potential psychology and social effects of behavior have become topics of interest. This study was prevalence and implication was done among the individuals through Questionnaire. Which was surveyed among college student. The Questionnaire covered key aspects of the participants in three dimension like attention, satisfaction and support system. The study provides valuable insights into the emerging phenomenon of sadfishing, though it also presented limitations such as potential self-report biases and lack of contextual depth. Future research could benefit from integrating observational methods and experimental designs to build a more nuanced understanding of sadfishing and its implications in the digital age

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